03 julio 2008


Típico de la publicidad para papel tapiz (o alfombras): la íntima relación entre texturas y objetos o personajes. Pero, ¿qué si esto no fuese simplemente un ‘comercial’? ¿Qué si fuera realidad? Una ‘realidad’ para avatares, en la que el ser y su entorno son lo mismo: ‘espacio-avatar’.

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3 Comentarios:

Anonymous Anónimo dijo...

The freshly presented iPad of Apple is awesome, uncommon and unbelievable computing machine. It is super high quality, super responsive and super processor. This technology is most advanced version ever developed.

Apple iPad has topping surfing speed as you can quickly flick through multiple pages tapping each on a block. And unlike the iPhone you now have complete webpages without much effort.

Click Here to Grab [url=http://www.ipadqa.com/2010/02/apple-ipad-tablet-how-to-get-ipad-at-cheap-price/]Apple iPad at Cheap Price[/url]

24 febrero, 2010  
Anonymous Anónimo dijo...

Hello everyone! I don't know where to begin but hope this site will be useful for me.
In first steps it's very nice if someone supports you, so hope to meet friendly and helpful people here. Let me know if I can help you.
Thanks and good luck everyone! ;)

26 febrero, 2010  
Anonymous Anónimo dijo...


Just saying hello while I read through the posts

hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.

10 abril, 2010  

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